Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ask God To Bless Your Plans...

"Ask God to bless your plans, 
 and you will be successful in carrying them out."
 -Proverbs 16:3

and on that note...
 I have some VERY exciting news to share!!!
 As of about 0930 this morning, 


 I haven't been this excited
 or shocked
 in forever!!
 And of course I cried like a baby!
 I called my dad first
 and heard the sweetest words I could have ever heard,
 that I wait to hear from my father,
 "I'm proud of you"
 My parents were always pretty strict about grades,
 and I was pretty personally motivated anyway,
 so when I made A's in school
 it was usually along the lines of
 "great job! Now do it again."
 And I did,
 and I did
 and I struggled my way through nursing school,
 (which by the way has been listed as of 2010 in Guinness as the hardest degree to earn)
 and prayed to God to bless my plans,
 and as of today
 he has truly proven why He is my God
 and why I worship him.

Before I walked into my test yesterday morning,
 I stopped to pray,
 and told God that I knew that he had helped me make it through school
 because he wanted me to be a nurse.
 Because that's what I was being called to be used for.
 So I asked him once again to bless my plans.
 And He certainly did.
 I am on cloud nine.
 Called my mom at home and told her I needed her to do me a favor
 and write down a number 
 so I wouldn't forget it.
 So I read off to her seven digits
 and then paused. 
 She says, "Ok?..." waiting for the rest,
 no clue what I was talking about.
 So then, trying desperately not to cry,
 I told her,
 "Ok mom, now put an RN in front of that,
 because that's my license number.
 I'm a nurse."
 She immediately burst into tears,
 tears because she had never gotten to go to college,
 she had never been able to fulfill HER dream of being a nurse,
 and here I was,
 the daughter she loved,
 the daughter she had stayed home to raise
 and to teach
 and to support,
 calling to tell her that not only had she raised the first girl on EITHER side of our family
 to go to college,
 but also a woman who was going to have a career.
 I had fulfilled my mother's greatest wish:
 that one day, 
 I would grow up and do what she couldn't
 that I would "do better than she had done"
 and make her proud.
 And I attribute so much to her
 because she DID give so much of her life to me
 so much of her time and energy and sacrifice.
 And I love her for all of that.

 So BE and I are going out to celebrate tonight
 after my military wives small group,
 and I am still in shock.
 I did it.

 As Florence Nightengale once said:
"Nursing is most truly said to be a high calling, an honourable calling.
 But what does the honour lie in?
 In working hard during your training to learn and to do all things perfectly.
The honour does not lie in putting on Nursing like your uniform.
 Honour lies in loving perfection, consistency, and in working hard for it:
 in being ready to work patiently:
 ready to say not "How clever I am!", but
 "I am not yet worthy;
 And I will live to deserve to be called
 a Trained Nurse."


  1. Congrats! I truly admire those that go into the nursing field, as I would not be here if it wasn't for a nurse who stood up to a dr for me. So may God continue to bless you in your career as an RN.

  2. Congrats! Feel truly proud of yourself for this great accomplishment!

  3. CONGRATS Lady!! Reading this post actually made me tear up!! What a great accomplishment!! So proud of you! I am so excited to follow in your footsteps once my enlistment is up!

  4. Congratulations! You did a great job and worked hard to get here! God is good:)

  5. Congratulations!! That is so exciting! That is something to be so proud of!

  6. That is a major accomplishment! Congratulations to you and wishing you the best with your new career!

  7. Congratulations!! That's so exciting!

  8. Go girl! Congrats what an accomplishment! You should be so proud of yourself and all that hard work! Go celebrate and have fun!

  9. This got me choked up. How exciting!

  10. Congratulations on your RN license. You worked hard and earned it. Now live it and love the patients you care for, treat them well, no matter what. You Go Girl. You passed cuz you know your stuff and God gets the glory! Amen and hugs and Celebrate! Hurrah for you!!!!

  11. Congratulations!!!

  12. Congrats!! This sounds exactly like my story a little over a year ago! I was the first one in my family to go to college, and when I passed NCLEX, it was the most glorious day EVER! Such an accomplishment, and I couldn't agree more with Guinness Book! Way to go!! Now go celebrate!!! :)

  13. Where have you been Pretty Lady? Your blogger friends are missing you! Hope everything is ok and going well with you!


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