"Let's don't say goodbye...I hate the way it sounds. So if you don't mind, let's just say 'For now'..." Well, it's off to the next phase of training for BE and the guys, but at least this time it's not as long as OTS was so I think I will handle it ok. Waking up at 3 a.m. for the airport run wasn't fun though! I'm hoping I can find some things to do during this TDY. I have a huge quilt in the works for our bed and didn't get as much of that done last time as I wanted to, so that's on the agenda; some of the ladies from BE's OTS class are considering putting a trip together, and that would be super fun (if it's somewhere I can afford to go!), and then I have two weddings to go to (it's going to stink going alone though) and then I have friends in Auburn I could go see as well as family (if they can squeeze me into their busy schedule). Honestly, what's sounding better than I thought it would right now is going up to stay with BE's parents for a while. They live on the side of a mountain up in North Carolina with a gorgeous waterfall in the background and some swings on the front porch looking over a view that will take your breath away. Nothing better than that to renew and relax!!! Plus, they are so sweet! I wish everyone had in-laws as great as mine are.
So, options are open, which is nice. I'm about to register for the Kaplan course that teaches strategy for taking the NCLEX, which I'm hoping to do by the end of summer so I can get my RN license and get to work. Lots of possibilities. Lots of things to do. Places to go. Projects to complete. All of which sounds awesome to me! Nothing like a busy schedule to pass the time! Plus, it's sunny out today, and the beach is calling my name :) Gonna stay positive!!
Plus.. You have me down here! :P