Monday, September 26, 2011

Totally New Tuesdays #7

Hello again everyone!!

 The hubs and I had a GREAT first official "date day" Saturday -
 we went over to Mobile, AL and visited the USS Alabama,
 which was super cool!
 I took lots of pictures
 so those will be coming soon :)
 We held hands,
 talked nonstop,
 and were obnoxiously, disgustingly in love the whole time.
 It was great.

 Now, on to the theme for today -
another new bloggy friend of mine for you all to go shower with affection
 and fan-dom!!
 She calls herself the Princess,
 and blogs about family life with her hubby and daughter "Diva".
 Her posts make me laugh and are always so 
 true life!

 Check her out HERE
 at her blog "Tiaras & ACU's".
 Here she is to tell you a little more:
 "Hello!  I am a sweet (sarcastic), angelic (little devilish) Army Princess; Hubby just got home from a 15 month deployment followed directly by ALC.  We have a little 7 year old (7.5 if you ask her) Diva that rules the roost... in her mind that is.  I am very active with military widows, work full time, and spend my weekends saving the world.  I started my blog to get through the deployment, oh we are a Reserve family so I don’t know anyone that has EVERY dealt with a deployment.  I love getting to know other bloggers, writing... and just enjoying our West Coast sun.  Now that Hubby is home the world revolves around the nasty ‘R’ word, Reintegration."

Go show her some lovin'
 fit for a Princess!!
 Also, don't forget,
 if you are a blogger who would like to spread the word
 about how AWESOME you are,
 send me an email at
 so that I can feature you!
p.s. You also get to display the super cool button I have in my right-hand column
once you've been featured.
 Now that's a perk if I've ever seen one.

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