Thursday, April 28, 2011

Milspouse Friday Fill-In!

How many pets do you have and what type?
We are the proud parents of a huge pitt bull/hound that I adopted from the pound my freshman year of college (despite the protests of my mother....who now owns a shirt that states, "Ask me about my Granddog"... enough said.) and he has been my best friend ever since. He's the Super Dufus of dogs, and is very happy that we have a huge backyard at our new place, which he's never had before since I always lived in apartments. But yes, that's our baby. When BE is gone, you can find Bus laying on his bed next to Daddy's recliner... the whole time.
What are you favorite projects to do while Hubby is away?
I love love love to scrapbook! I am currently working on one putting in pictures from OTS and BE's commissioning ceremony. I also am a big quilter, and have a king-sized quilt in the works for our bed. It's going to be fabulous. Other than that, I cook and bake all the time! I even have a blog where I post my family's recipes as well as stuff I make up on my own! you can find it at THIS LINK.

What are the must-haves in your deployment care packages?
Well, BE hasn't deployed yet, but when he was at OTS, his favorite things to get were Clif bars and cake balls! The guys in his flight really went crazy for those. Also, five-hour energies, a picture, and a letter :)

If you could star in any tv show, which would it be?
hmmm. I would LOVE to be behind the scenes on Coming Home. That show makes me bawl like an absolute baby. A lot of weeks I can't even make it through the whole episode. But helping set that up would be amazing (or having it happen to me! I love surprises lol).

What was the biggest hurdle that you faced during your significant other's first deployment?
Well, like I said, luckily we haven't had to do any deployments yet. I know they're coming though :( For OTS it was hard because we had never before been apart for more than a week, so going three months really stunk. It was hard to need him for something or have big news or a bad day or just need to ask where I should go to get the oil changed and not be able to call him. The biggest hurdle of OTS though was the move. I had to move stuff from his home in NC to my parents' in Atlanta to our apartment in Auburn, and THEN to Pensacola. Whew!!!

If you want to participate in the weekly Fill-In, you can go visit Wife of a Sailor @ THIS BLOG. It's a great blog too!

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